Yet another day of mindless distro hacking. QT 3.0.1 was released today. Nifty. So far, LSB progressions have been pretty good, and QT 3.0.1 compiled without a hitch. Given the current status of KDE development, I’m going to start migrating all the packages to KDE-3. Now, the good news: the major portions of the base redo are done. This means that another beta is getting a lot closer.


Sometime past 11:00

DO NOT EAT AT MCDONALD’S. They are the Satan of this world. Part of the great head of evil. Yes fokes, today I have experienced the wonders of the Big XTra, little did I know that the Extra was a wonderful bit of food poisoning. Having had all sorts of nasty stuff in the past, I think that this is the worst I have ever felt, in my life ever. There is no escaping from the pain that is the golden arches – in either end. Now, excuse me as I puke up my guts, again.