Wyrm: Chipping Away at ELF

Since Wyrm is utilizing a bootstrapped Scheme variant, building data structures and writing files is surprisingly difficult. Scheme provides the ability to express almost any construct, but without standard libraries every tiny detail most be determined.

The “actual” Wyrm system will eventually provide low level data structures and type support. Any construct utilized by “Mini Scheme” will require duplication between both the Wyrm Scheme implementation, and the “generic” Scheme based system. Writing the ELF decoder, the first obvious challenge to address is some form of structured data support. Normal scheme applications might use a SRFI-1 based “associative list”. Ideally, Wyrm will implement an associative container with “better performance”, but for now, utilizing a wrapped associative list works well. Given the newly defined “dictionary” type, the next hurdle is implementing basic support for serializing structures. For this, a new ‘encoding’ structure is created. With a defined dictionary type and serialization structure, implementing basic support for the primary ELF file header is simple.

So far, basic Test Driven Development (“TDD”) practice has allowed development of substantial infrastructure without gnarly scaffolding. The current ‘Wyrm’ program remains a simple “Hello World” display, but substantial support for ELF and “Wyrm” common scheme library support is present.

The huge challenge remains focus. Even basic decisions get easily bogged down if considering all the possible angles of a full toolchain ecosystem. Worse, there’s nearly infinite complexity possible if attempting to expand to a more modern feature set. But, without the massive set of refactoring and “intelligent” coding tools, any added functionality becomes massively distracting. A worthwhile detour might include integrating Visual Studio Code for improving quick reference documentation.

Wyrm: Baby Steps for ELF

With the July 4th Holiday, I enjoyed a 3-day weekend but intentionally limited the time I spent hacking on Wyrm. There’s a lot to unpack in creating a full operating system and toolchain (even with a limited scope). Instead of jumping into full fledged implementation, I took the opportunity to brainstorm and structure the project.

Given we’ve got a hugeeeee amount of work ahead in bootstrapping a kernel and toolchain, the big question becomes “where to start”. For this project, I’ll be trying to maintain a “Test Driven Development” practice. A unit test framework also creates a simplified environment for early development.

The first project milestone will be a “Hello World” constructed kernel from our toolchain. Qemu supports loading a binary ELF image, and most portable toolchains will work with ELF binaries. For the first project milestone, the Wyrm toolchain will construct a valid ELF kernel image with a “Hello World” assembly kernel. With ELF, the Wyrm toolchain may create images for either or fledging OS or the Linux ecosystem. The end-goal is a fully self-hosting system – but until that point, Linux or Windows can provide a host environment.

If someone forced me to select a ‘favorite’ programming language, I’d likely fall into the Python camp. Python does not, unfortunately, make for a good “system” programming language. However, both Julia and Nim advertise some degree of compiled / system programming features. For our toolchain, I’m going to pull a page out of Julia’s playbook and utilize the simplicity of Scheme for compiler and runtime implementation. With a strong Scheme toolchain, I hope to experiment with a maybe-Python / maybe-Scala frontend. With a scheme-work-alike, we can utilize a “proper” scheme implementation to bootstrap the system. I’ve selected “Chicken Scheme”.

With the few commits this weekend, there’s a small test framework and the start of some low level scheme primitives for building ELF files.

Introducing Wyrm

For a long time, I’ve maintained various iterations of low level operating system logic or programming language interpreters. The earliest iterations focused on recreating QBasic and DOS. Newer iterations focused on various technology stack ideas (the last being microkernel and exokernel based approaches). The only time my software stack ever ventured out to be seen by others was… as sample code for a job interview.

I’ll be covering this project on the podcast - but, before adding the glitz to the idea, I find myself wanting to sit and write about the idea. Starting with the why and for and what.

I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to a strong desire to build “the next thing”. And - I’d be lying to myself if I argued Wyrm had any hope of being the next thing. Instead, the mission of Wyrm is simple: a playground for OS and programming language conceptual development. My hope is to build upon (or create) some framework similar to the hello world staples provided at the OSDev Wik. Instead of duplicating Unix and C, my intent for Wyrm is to explore the history of Amiga, Newton, and LISP machines. And, of course, duplicate Unix and C at some point.

I do not plan on supporting many hardware platforms - only the ARM, and likely only one or two available single board computers. I’m considering the Raspberry Pi 4, Asus TinkerBoard, and a QEmu Aarch64 machine for starters. This does presuppose that I manage to get the language itself into a workable state. As I don’t have a lot of time to dedicate toward the project, I suspect progress will be slow and be redirected to other ARM (or Risc-V) cores as time goes on.

I’m starting with a “blank slate” for this project. My goal will be to cover the fits and starts and pain associated with birthing an Operating System from scratch. There’s multiple toy OS projects out there - and multiple “real” projects - but developers tend to “wait” until some mythical “beta” period. Realistically, I don’t see myself having the time to hit such a milestone quickly. (Especially starting from the ground-up). That said, I’ve built many toy interpreters and kernels - so I suspect there’ll be something that appears at some point. From experience, a bootable “hardware” ARM kernel is a few weekends worth of effort. That said, my free weekends are few…

elfenix/wyrm: OS and Language Playround (github.com)

RC 0x02: Linux Packages

Over lunch, my brain is popping up questions of back-burnered personal tasks. The peril of a software development career is continuous return to build systems, packaging, and best practices for distributing software. Over the years, I’ve seen and maintained a number of Linux packages, build systems, embedded distributions, and containers.

With the newer releases of Ubuntu, Canonical has been heavily pushing their “snap” standard – which, as a user, I find less than desirable. The big complaint is weird breakage on basic things – like clicking a link in another application opening in a new browser instance (and worse, without my privacy extensions enabled!).

In my toy distribution, I really wanted to take an approach of absolute minimalism and experiment with containerized setup of applications – up to and including the base system layer.

In the windows world, applications tend to rely on a system installed C runtime (Visual Studio Redistributable) and media library (DirectX). This system provides a strong “base layer” but the application then must ship all the other libraries or static link them to the executable. While I fault Microsoft with many things, the reality is that their approach to system backward compatibility and best practices for shipping apps has resulted in easy installation of programs from 10+ years ago. Indeed, today I have software from even earlier (early 2000s) that installs today and works on Windows. The same can not be easily said for Linux.

I believe Flatpak to be superior from my user experience point of view – but the standard is not as well supported by major players, and integration is “subpar”. Moreso, flatpak seems to have a very GNOME/desktop centric focus.

I’m hoping that the base levels of flatpak can provide a solid foundation. My main hangup at present is that the technology feels a bit limited when attempting to gather dependencies for a C/C++ application that don’t fit within the general idea of the system SDK. The “dependency soup” managed by RPM and DPKG very quickly appears and becomes difficult to manage without a nice / proper system root. From a management aspect- I really am hoping for some sort of system that provides extensive configuration and artifact management to insure complete reproducability of system configurations.

I’m hopeful that something like Yocto could provide a means around this, but I’m not sure I’m feeling it. I’m starting to consider some sort of new middle-ware layer necessary, but there’s not an amount of development effort I’d like to spend there.

Going forward, the big questions are – is flatpak suitable for building a distribution? How can we ‘cleanup’ the dependency soup requirements for building packages?

Distro Thoughts #1

So, after some consideration, I’ve decided to resurrect my previous efforts at building a Linux distribution. Mostly – because I’d like to tinker with a light-weight Linux that’s easily customizable. Something that really goes “back to basics”.

My first experiments were attempting to bootstrap a Clang/Musl build variant. Ugh!

My initial environment was Ubuntu 18.04 – with a modern C++ toolchain. I thought it’d be easy to populate a chroot environment, especially without cross compiling required. The LLVM code looks generally pretty clean – big, it does a lot, but clean. The build system though? See my previous comments on build system messes. The ‘one repo’ approach assumes a rather complete environment and does not bootstrap well to a new rootfs. I thought a hacky compile from source build would be neat – but this does not seem doable.

Too much time spent on this today, time to go outside and enjoy the sun.